Friday, October 2, 2015

Mirza Ghalib Academy, New Delhi.

Mirza Ghalib is the biggest name in Persian and Urdu poetry and he is an icon of literary excellence. He lived in 19th century and had happened to see the difficult days of 1857 revolt. He had been a big poet and for sometime he was poet laurete in the court of Bahadur Shah Zafar. Aristocratic in taste and living style he had to undergo lots of difficulties because of the difficult times he lived. He survived the massacre after recapture of Delhi in 1857 by the British and died in 1869. 

Ghalib was buried in Nizamuddin Basti and after independence a tomb and memorial for him was created. 
Today a full functioning Academy is there to promote Ghalib, poetry, literature and culture of his time. This academy was inauguratd in 1969 by President of India Zakir Hussain 100 years after his death.
Today it has a good auditorium, a good library and a museum in memory of Ghalib, the ultimate in poetry.

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